Archive for the ‘Easy Projects’ Category

Videos of Parody, Movie Trailers, and more! Its that time again!

     Hello World and all who Inhabit it! Sorry for the late post, it seems my computer this week is against me from going online! Arrg! Got this great computer, and then HP puts a HORRIBLE WiFi card in it!!! Oh, I have a Wifi card, because my computer’s in a basement, and running a 120 foot Ethernet cable didn’t sound like a good idea at the time. I’m starting to reconsider installing that Ethernet cable…

Anyway, because of the computer, I wasn’t able to get that video uploaded, YET! I will get it up soon, as soon as I can fix this problem. Ok, I know you didn’t come to hear me complain about my computer (well, the ones who really know me are probably laughing right now…), so here’s the TOP 5: